“Individuality will always be one of the conditions of real elegance.”
There's a million other sites you could be visiting right now and you've stopped at my blog.
Thank you!
My name is Anabel Marquez. I'm a career woman, with a full-time government job. I'm also a magazine founder & editor (www.MommyInLosAngeles.com).
I'm married to a man who loves to make me laugh.
Most wonderfully (and without underrating my love of husband and world), I’m a mother!
My little boys, Benjamin, 10 and Tobias, 7, are a positive, luminous joy that keep me active and make me laugh out loud.
Do Tell, Anabel
is my personal blog where I share my motivation to always “Do Things Elegantly”
It’s a SoCal Lifestyle blog featuring product reviews, recipes, home decor, food, lounge & travel destinations plus good causes we can all support.
The blog’s main audience consists of women in their 40’s who love finding ways to enjoy the finer things in life.
Thanks for stopping by!
Les agradezco de todo corazón que se hayan tomado este momento para visitar mi blog.
Muchísimas Gracias.
Me llamo Anabel Márquez. Tengo un trabajo de planta en una agencia de gobierno.
También soy fundadora y editora de la revista Mommy In Los Angeles® Magazine (en inglés).
Estoy felizmente casada y sobre todo ¡soy madre!
Mis hijos Benjamin (10 años de edad) y Tobías (7 años de edad) son una alegría muy grande en mi corazón.
Do Tell, Anabel
es mi blog personal donde comparto mi afán de vivir con elegancia. #DoThingsElegantly
Mi audiencia principal consiste en mujeres de mi edad (profesionistas entre 40 y 50 años de edad) que buscan recomendaciones e ideas sobre artículos fabulosos, experiencias únicas y destinos de lujo para disfrutar plenamente.
Espero la oportunidad de colaborar.
¡Gracias por visitar!
If you're interested in collaborating, I'd love to hear from you!
Please email me at: DoTellAnabel@gmail.com or fill out the form below.
My blog is a hobby and many featured posts are from experiences I generally fund on my own. However, I love to write (positive) reviews for things that resonate with my family & lifestyle and highlight one-of-a-kind experiences in Southern California.
In the Media