Aww! So Great...Benny Boy Turns Eight!
My first-born turns eight today!
Benjamin aka “Benny” had asked for an outdoor celebration with friends and cousins but it’s becoming more clear every day that we must avoid such gatherings given these COVID times we’re in.
So the little cutie asked that we simply keep our yearly birthday breakfast tradition. Except, instead of a stack of birthday pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles, my oldest child wanted a Lego-themed breakfast with bagels, pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit and “candy”. Not an easy task for a Monday morning when this mom begins her work shift at 7am but who needs sleep, anyway?
Benny is such a gentle soul. He’s sweet, sensitive, inquisitive and quite a chatterbox. Lately, he’s been experiencing a bit of anxiety with the lack of social interaction with his buddies, the difficulty with concentrating in school through a computer screen and his own concerns about the Coronavirus reaching our home. Needless to say, this little cutie is strong-willed and resilient, and, assuming this blog sticks around for another ten years, he can read this as an adult and realize that his “mama” thinks the world of him. He’s my favorite Dragon boy and my very own Saggitarius twinsie!
Happy Birthday, my dear Benny. May you always stay curious, friendly and super cool!
Lego-Themed Birthday Breakfast
This was a fairly simple set-up. I made most decorations using Lego-themed paper plates, napkins and party invitations. I blew up a few balloons and attached yellow streamer to the bottom of the table in lieu of a table cloth.
The Lego faces used for the skewers and pancakes were carefully cut-out from a yellow-card stock sheet of paper that was printed at home. If you’re interested, you can download the graphics here.
It was a lovely breakfast— one where Toby (Benny’s little brother) excitedly reached his hand to grab a few M&Ms from the table and genuinely asked—"Is it my birthday or Benny’s?” Hehe.
We’re so lucky to have Benny in our lives. Happy birthday, mi niño lindo.
Thanks for reading, friends!
Anabel M.