Paperless Post & Honey Toast!
E-Cards That Matter
A Toast Themed Day for my Honey Bear Husband
This is a sponsored post. I received a Paperless Post Credit in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.
I've always been one to encourage hand-written notes over emailed messages. I actually enjoy making an occasional trip to the US Post office to buy stamps and mail cards.
But on occasion, a product will come up that completely sweeps me off my feet, making me rethink my modus operandi. And that's what happened when I discovered Paperless Post, an e-commerce company that focuses on design-driven online AND printed stationery, including greetings, invitations, birth announcements and wedding suites that you can customize, e-mail or print if that's what you prefer.
The user-friendly service guides you through every step of the process, whether it's sending a design to print, uploading your logo for a company event or keeping track of your RSVP list online, Paperless Post has you covered. It's simple and there are tons of designs to choose from, in several categories.
A sampling of Save The Dates featured on Paperless Post
Since I'm planning a few events this year (Toby's baptism, birthdays, a Christmas Party, etc.) and life seems to be getting busier, I figured I would give Paperless Post a try and rid myself of extra work.
The first Paperless Post greeting I sent was for my husband and I will share the story behind it.
Paul was having a bad week. I was having a busy week. Our communication was off and we barely had the energy to keep our evening routine with the boys. To make matters worse, Paul was asked to work an extra shift on his day off! He could have declined, but he owed his co-worker a favor.
Meanwhile, as I was getting ready to head home, I stumbled upon a painting of a bear-shaped honey bottle on a sidewalk in Downtown LA.
I got home and once the kids were asleep and Paul was preparing for his extra work day, I decided to login to my Paperless Post account and look for an e-card to send him before he took off the next morning. Looking through the designs (there are many, including some by well-known designers like Kate Spade), I paused for a moment and walked to the kitchen, where I found Paul squeezing some honey out of a bear-shaped bottle into a fruit bowl.
This was really funny considering I had just seen and photographed a honey bear bottle painting on the ground in Downtown LA. I shared the photo but he didn't seem to think much of it.
Then I returned to my computer and low and behold–– there was a Paperless Post greeting card with the a bear-shaped honey bottle design! Call me crazy but I saw this a sign!
Customized E-Card: Paperless Post
The honey bear bottle gods were trying to tell me it was time to make Paul feel better about his bad week with a sweet honey message. I customized the card by adding my name since the message was on point. Then I simply added his email address in the recipient line and hit send.
By the time we woke up in the morning, before heading to work, he read his Paperless Post e-card. Then, to make things extra special, I fixed him a hot coffee mug and a few slices of honey toast to send him off right.
He seemed happy and grateful about the e-card gesture and even more so when he found the breakfast snack I had prepared for him– Honey toast!
How to use Paperless Post
If you're ever in a similar situation or if you simply want to send a greeting card, an invitation, a thank you note or create a flyer, the process is simple. Here's what you need to do:
1. Visit
2. Create an account using your email address
3. Depending on the type of card you want to send, the service charges a few coins. While the honey bear greeting card was free, when I'm ready to send invitations for Toby's baptism, I will purchase coins. You can buy coin packages in a few easy steps and the pricing is really reasonable! Twenty coins for example, will cost you $6. Every time you customize or issue a card, the system will charge you the number of coins for that particular project.
4. Send your cards and make others smile!
I hope you consider Paperless Post for your next, well, anything! It's fun, easy and hassle-free.
Thanks for reading and have a great day, honey bears!
-Anabel M.