Just a somber reminder that we continue to hit record and heart-breaking statistics regarding the number of people infected with, and deceased because of the Novel Coronavirus. We’re in a global pandemic.
Paul recently told me that the Coronavirus Pandemic brought out the worst in me. It’s possible.
Benjamin aka “Benny” had asked for an outdoor celebration with friends and cousins but it’s becoming more clear every day that we must avoid such gatherings given these COVID times we’re living in.
The only silly way we got the boys to stop reminding us about the summer vacation that never was
Driving kids around. It’s an everyday part of life. It’s what all parents do. But let’s think about just everything involved with transporting our precious cargo from one place to another for a minute!
Easter Sunday at my godmother’s ranch house in Fillmore was a beautiful Spring experience.
Besides watching his favorite cartoons on the Disney Junior channel, my son Toby loves watching the “Blippi” Youtube channel.
When it comes to Valentine’s Day, I love doing fun and festive things for Benny and Toby—even if it means pink balloons and soft pastels!
My baby is a big boy now! Since this blog was initially intended to be a web log or online journal of sorts, today I will use it as such.
I just find it so hilarious when kids have an all-time favorite cartoon hero yet get too scared to greet or hug their favorite character when they see them in person.
As many of you know, my husband and I lead very busy lives. We’re working professionals managing several other projects simultaneously. We also have two boys under five and well, there’s never enough hours
Friends, I’m among the 800,000 federal employees on furlough due to the partial government shutdown (more on that in a bit). When Benny noticed that I’ve been able to drop him off